Pa Honda Pilot SE lease deal check please! New to leasing

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Don’t see a lease there… looks like a purchase agreement. Did you get a quote from Carmax/Carvana/Vroom on the trade in for your Jeep?

1 all you did was put a picture.
2 That’s a purchase agreement, not a lease agreement.

Sorry my bad uploaded wrong photo. I did get estimate from caravan and cheddar. All under what Honda dealer offered.

Get an MDX lease quote, it will be better than this. Dealers cannot mark up money factor rate on Honda/Acura. Acuras always lease so much cheaper. When I worked at a Honda dealer my NON employee price on an Acura (we didn’t have a an Acura store) was $80 less than the Honda with a lower MSRP. Honda lease’s have high MF.

It is not a bad lease in this market, the dealer isn’t ripping you off. But Honda’s as a whole have bad leases. They save the good #s for Acura

The payment is good, but not with the trade in there

Effectively $540/mo. Haven’t been tracking pricing but seems like a deal at sticker, which seems fair in today’s market. MDX is unlikely to be lower right now since 2022 is a new redesigned model vs Pilot (supposedly) getting a redesign for 2023… If you were comparing the outgoing 2020 MDX earlier this year, possibly could’ve been cheaper.

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