Original Lessee liability on VW Group lease transfers

Has anyone had personal experience with a lease transfer through VW Group brands (VW, Audi, Porsche, Bentley) as it relates to the original lessee remaining liable? I have not been able to find detailed information in my research about what they would actually be liable for, up to and including the full responsibility of the payments, damage etc.

You can call their captive but unless you have something in writing, you need to assume you’re liable for everything.

A grossly negative outcome in this context is probably not something someone is going to admit to online afterwards… especially not to be told “I told you so” on the internet a million times

Everything, your name is not removed from the lease paperwork. All the original terms of the still apply to you, to an asset you have no control over. It’s why I will never* lease a vw product.
*unless the deal is unicorn level stupid good.

Thanks. Such was my assumption and understanding as well, but I had also read about the liability being limited to certain elements, and also that they were considering removal of that criteria. If anyone has actually completed the process, please do confirm or deny (no need to share horror stories if applicable).

Or just keep the car for the whole lease?

My current screaming 340 deal at 22 months is the longest I’ve kept any car since my 06 z4M.
So no.