One pay lease on Lexus rx450h+

Is one pay lease advisable on Lexus rx450h+. They have $11000 lease incentive currently going on. I intend to buy the car within few months into the lease. Any inputs will be greatly appreciated.


Yes, one-pay lease is the way to go and buy it as soon as the title is available and not some ambiguous point in the future (rent charge is hideous).

Don’t forget to maximize your discount in addition to the OEM rebates. Let them mark up the MF to the max in exchange for the highest discount.

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Thank you for the response. if they mark up the MF to the max, won’t my one pay lease number will increase substantially? This is a new subject for me, so please bear with me any naive questions.

Yes, it will increase, but when you buy it out you don’t have to pay the rental interest. Buy it out as quickly as possible.

You’re effectively paying only one month’s rent charge. You don’t have to pay unearned rent.