Offering $3500 incentive to take my MB E400, 790/month, 71k MSRP


Looking to transfer my E400, P2 package, 71k MSRP, car has been very good to me, but I’m over 5k miles and underestimated how much driving my new job would require. So I’m offering an incentive for whoever would take the car. Car is in excellent condition and has no issues whatsoever. DM if interested. Thanks.

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How many months left, what’s the effective payment, location etc…

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Lease expires April 2021. Los Angeles.

You don’t think letting people know the mileage allowance is important, especially when you say you are over already?

Current mileage 19500. 12k per year. 36 month lease. Lease expires in April 2021. I’m in month 15 of the lease.

20mos left effectively at 825mi/mo

I think this could move at under $600/mo which would require a $4,000 incentive as well as transfer fee paid.