Off Topic Landfill

Looks like a 4-series Gran Coupe which is what I drive. Fine car, enjoy.

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It was super fast. Found the car Tuesday and got it today. Iā€™m very impatient. I love the look and it came with the premium package so it has some cool features. Only thing I canā€™t seem to get to work is the trunk opening up with my foot. Other then that I love the car. Plus the fin makes it look even more awesome

Donā€™t wag your foot. Make kicking motion.

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You were right! Thanks for the help.

I would love for you to please pm me where you got that car from. A dealer and a contact. I was shopping for a Giulia today and the lease prices were astronomical! And the MSRP was quite a bit lower than yoursā€¦
Much Appreciated in advanceā€¦

Isnā€™t $548/mo a really good deal for an M3? Can you share your breakdown?

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Maybe that was a typo? Perhaps he meant $3K?

300 in positive equity. I doubt anyone is trading in a 300 dollar beater to lease a 59k car.

How do you end up with positive equity? Cars in general are money losers.

There are cars that you can likely flip at the end of a lease or in the middle of a lease with positive equity. Tacomas, 4runners, civics, cr-vs, etc. Basically cars that donā€™t have inflated residuals from the finance company to make it easier to move them.

Notice most of these cars do not make the best leases, becauseā€¦they have realistic residuals and tend to hold their value well.

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You owe less than they offered. Exā€¦you owe 14,000 but itā€™ books higher, and he was offered 14,300. 300 in equity.

I stand corrected 20202020

Thatā€™s a heck of an upgrade. Enjoy!

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Thanks for the explanation. Iā€™m used to the BMW leases where the RV is high, e.g. 31K but the car is only worth 24K at the end of the lease. I guess this is how we get good lease deals on BMWs!

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Hereā€™s a link for personal loans, instant approval, monthly payments and reasonable rates.

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Who is your leasing company Ally or GM Financial? Ally allows for a complete transfer where you do not remain as a liability on the contract. GMFS is the same but will only allow a transfer inside your state. @NY13 is correct that you may want to consider an incentive to purchase more miles for a new buyer. The lease-end insurance is a big plus as long as itā€™s transferrable. It would give the new lessee some peace of mind.