Off Topic Landfill

Any Tundra deal left? Send me link please

Can I get the link for the bmws please.

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Hi Donny, can you send me the spreadsheet please?


Hi, can I get the spreadsheet too? Thank you.

@wawzj619 Can you PM dealer info. Thank you

Which dealership ?

please if you can send a link to me as well

Can you Share name or anything, nice car

can you send me the links

Can I have a spreadsheet

Can you send me the link to your deals?

Nice! Can you share dealer info ? Thanks!

Great deal… Can you PM the dealership?

Da poshli oni nahuj :wink:
Ebanoe stado pidarasov. Luchshe del u nih net.
Ya smotryu Nissani ih pryam besyat…Zanchit ne rovno k nim dyshat. Mne pofig na Kii, i ya ne hozhu sutkami ne pokryvayu ih heytom.

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Hey @dmitry

How about less homophobic stuff, eh?

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Not nice…

Fuck them: wink:
Fucking flock of faggots. They have no better business.
I look Nissani they are furiously straight … I

Dude, you aren’t the only person here who can curse in Russian. Chill out.


Is it cool to call us faggots in russian?

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It’s somewhat different. Google translate isn’t capturing semantics unfortunately.
Depends on how and where it is used.
This particular was more like fuckers.