Off Topic Landfill

Thank you Stephen glad everything worked out it was a pleasure as well and I hope you enjoy your new car!

That is a great deal. Nice hack!

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Can this deal be replicated elsewhere?

Only in states with Owner’s Choice and you need to find a dealer who doesn’t title their loaners.

Any source of info in regards to which states do Owner Choice?

Texas, Georgia.

Could you not have asked them to knock off the bow thing and give you $20 instead?


You never get to keep the bow


what a good sport!

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Cheaper than my cable bill…

If I was looking for a car right now I’d be targeting these diesels, I think this is the third blowout deal I’ve seen on these.

What are you doing? You already have 2 oil burners and now you gonna get a half gas half battery hybrid?

Obviously the guy turned. He is now on the other side trying to buy any deal he can get and not sell deals anymore. :joy::rofl:

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I think he sold so many tundras last month that he can afford an i8…

Damn I know exactly where this car is at :smirk:

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You think I can save 399 broker fee??? every penny counts if I am gonna drive an i8 lol. Might have to start buying store brands exclusively

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If you have been in the car business long enough you would know that credit application does not mean anything lol

I plied her with Vodka, Ecstasy and Fentanyl but she told me I was not that ugly, only two of the three would have been enough


Rookie…quaaludes is where it’s at.

Off Topic : Landfill.

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