Off Topic Landfill

Good point on insurance too, M5 insurance is significantly more… although really EVERYTHING costs more with a M5. You could easily be $1000 more a month overall.

so we should all be driving 530e’s? the m550 starts at like 72k and the m5 starts at 96k, big difference when you purchase which most of them are.

if spending 2k whats another 1k for a lambo! :grin:
the lease is already pending, I was simply stating the payment between the m5 and m550ix is not as significant as one would expect.

insurance shouldn’t be much more of an increase, back in the day an e500 was $200 a month to insurance and an e55 was like $25 more a month. It’s not perceived as harshly as say going from a 392 srt to a hellcat where one pays $200 vs $350. Insurance looks at horsepower as well as target audience of the car,(i.e is it for work/pleasure/commute) most middle aged people drive the m5’s and amg’s whereas you got 25 year olds after hellcats. (obviously value counts too but with both cars upwards of 80k its not a huge factor, also age, driving record and location obviously but im focusing on the cars on their own merits)

Whenever something first comes out it’s a lot more expensive but I’m sure the m5 leases will level out a bit, the f10 m5’s were like 1000-1200 on a decent deal. Either way best of luck on the new m5 they are truly amazing machines.

you’re forgetting insurance also goes by replacement costs and electronic adjustment costs. front bumper alone on the 550 is 3k+. sensors and stuff, plus all that tech needs to be “recalibrated”

not sure what your situation is but 50% is significant to me just on lease cost (1k vs 1.5k), not looking at increased insurance numbers

yes hoping they level out so i can grab one in the summer. for now the swap to the m2 is fun

this is true, yeah I was just addressing the insurance thing, $50 extra is packing your lunch for 2-3 days a week at the office, $500 though is a big deal especially when the difference between the cars isn’t something you can tell on surface streets, you really need a highway or hills to tell the difference. m2 is a very nice car, very very fun in the twisties but ultimately I didn’t like it so much as a dd, the m3/m4 I thought had more legroom by a bit but definitely a car thats worth the M moniker, the m2 reminded me of the old m3’s.

You pull a great deal of data from the sky. So many logical fallacies in your argument. I don’t know where to start.

You keep thinking $11k is chump change. I’ll keep on my path.

it definitely is chump change, money grows on tree’s remember? why are you arguing with me? I have yet to see a productive comment on your end, seems like you are one of those guys who likes to jump in a conversation he has no idea about, just my 2 cents.

$11k may be a lot to most, but to some $11k is equivalent $1100 or even $110. with that said doesn’t mean they’re not penny pinchers.

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seems like a common theme here that people make assumptions based on their own circumstances, my point was people who lease these expensive cars think differently than people who lease regular cars.

I was pointing out to the op as a general statement because it seemed like he was an enthuasist, he then explained that the m5 was available but at a much higher cost than I was thinking, I saw his point of view on the price increase and only made a comment that insurance was not a lot higher than he was expecting it to be, based on past experiences.

Says other people make assumptions. Following sentence is an assumption.

Nice way to take a comment out of its context, you should apply for a job at cnn or fox news. Im sure they would love to have you.

Like I said you have added nothing to the conversation, case and point.

I’m not going to argue about a 550i vs an m5, but I do agree with you that someone that can afford to lease a 550i at $1100/month can probably spend an extra few hundred/month on an m5 without blinking an eye.

It’s like the moderators on edmunds always say, when you get to a certain class of cars, most of the potential buyers/leasers aren’t as price sensitive as the rest of us.

I strongly doubt there’s many people out there spending $1100/month on a car lease and can’t afford a dollar more.

I emailed you Quentin , I want to do business with you

Are there any suv’s Leasing better than the QX60 at around that price point?

I leased a qx60 couple of months ago. This is my first lease. so can someone answer the following question

  1. For service, can i take the car to nissan dealer for service (instead of infiniti dealer)?

For the same service nissan dealers offer much better price compared to infiniti dealer.

Thanks in advance

Good point, please let me know what you find out. I am in the same boat, will let you know what I find out.


In TX the sales tax are on the price of the car ? or only on the total lease amount ?

Sure. Will do

You dont have to do it at Dealer. You can get the service done at any mechanic, autoshop.