Off Topic Landfill

Could you please share the dealer? Thank you.

Awesome, could you share the dealership’s name?

Hi @BMW_Dave, would you please send me a link as well :slight_smile: ? I’m currently looking for 330i with m sport trim if there is any…but open to see any avaialble 3 series.

Thanks you in advance for your time.

Damn. Sure is. Nice deal!

Hi can you link me.

Minimum income requirement assuming strong credit for such a lease?

Depends but assuming a “0 DAS” w/7xMSD I’d say $65,000 pretax or better if few other obligations. (No mortgage, small CC balance, small student loan)

Not my place but honestly unless one is solidly in 6 figure+ income they shouldn’t be looking at these cars.


Which car would you look at with 65k salary?)) 540i loaner?

Considering they lease better than the new 3 right now? Yes. But that’s a very personal determination based on your spending habits otherwise.

Don’t be the guy/girl always on that last 1/4 tank because you bought more car than you could afford.

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Agreed! Assuming a 60-70k salary, a 5 series shouldn’t be too bad on the wallet, accounting that it also has maintenance included. Might as well pay an extra $250/mo vs a Camry LE.

I completed disagree. I don’t think it’s wise at all to be leasing a 540 when making $65k/yr, independent of age.

Edit: Exception would be if someone is retired, their home is paid off and they are still collecting $65k/yr.


If it’s your only income and your living expenses are otherwise average, def not and especially not if it’s your household income.

Again this is a very personal determination and if for example you still live at home or otherwise have very low living expenses, one could make a 5 fit in their life on 65K pretax if you get a hackr worthy deal.

The average income in the United States is $31,099 by the census bureau. Earning twice that income, I think one should have no issue leasing a reasonable car, such as a 5 series, etc…
An extra few hundred bucks a month should not break the wallet (vs. a $250 Sonata).
My friend makes 60k a year, and pays $1600/mo for his apartment, $400 for his car, wife’s college courses, food, travel, etc…and has no issues. I don’t see what the deal is with a $500/mo BMW is. The insurance on a 5 series would be 50/mo cheaper than his Jeep at the moment + BMW comes with maintenance in the lease payment. You suggest he gets a bicycle?

65K is very subjective, TBH. For example on the coasts that income is working poor while in flyover country you could hack out a decent living if you’re wise about how you spend.

I hope you understand that when I threw out that number I meant that as a minimum approval income for the OP listed car barring other heavy expenses like a mortgage or high student loans. A 5, and for that matter a 7 is a solid 6 figure income type of car.

It matters where you live and what you spend. Salary isn’t everything. So tired of this if you make “x” you can only look at “x” car.

200k in NYC is a lot diff than 200k in Pittsburgh. Also, you can make 500k but if you have kids, two homes, private schools, etc you might not be able to “afford” a 540.


Exactly!!! Depends on many factors. Single, Married, etc…kids, no kids, how much you spend on travel, food, clothes.

Back to the deal tho. It’s known on this forum that any CCR is not wise. Besides that I like the payment with MSD.

Then do what you are comfortable with. Why ask random people on the internet who don’t know your situation?


I believe he was just asking from an underwriting standpoint what is the minimum salary requirement for approval not if he could afford it.


Approval takes all those things into consideration. Banks don’t just look at salary.

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