Off Topic Landfill

I wouldn’t take that deal…

Not enough savings to make that compelling

Nice interior color…

Thanks! It’s a little “loud” against the Namib Orange interior but what the heck. Must be a reason why it’s the only one in the country haha.

Have 2 more orange w Black Windsor if anyone wants!

What were the details on the lease on the orange one… not shopping yet… just curious

No problem. I have a separate thread open about discos with pricing.

Few more available!

A thousand pardons, sire. What’s important is that I answered his questions and did all the calculations to vet the dealers figures… something you’re not capable of doing. Turned out that the dealer made an error. Could you have found it and corrected it? Don’t think so!

This topic was automatically opened after 2 days.

Great post. Thanks for putting the effort in. Welcome!


Thanks a lot. Really helpful

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Hopefully a bit better than the last one

@isellnissan You have 2 repetitive threads now. Do you want this one or the other one closed?

Can you close the other one please

Just wanna say that it’s really great that you took the community’s feedback seriously. This is an excellent deal thread, and a solid contribution.

Best of luck, Emilio


Agree with everyone here. Welcome to Leasehackr!

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Well done sir!

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Thanks for fulfilling our requests. GLWS

I was texting him and he was asking for advice. I told him what people on here want to be considered a good deal and what was a great deal. He was very receptive to my advice and actually seems he applied everything I said.

He also PMed me, and I also gave him some advice. So what? :smirk:

Just saying that he was receptive to figuring it out. He took the constructive criticism and is doing something with it. There is something be said about that.

In the end hopefully it results in people getting some good deals. :man_shrugging:t2:

Sorry for commenting. What was I thinking about making a comment on a forum. :joy::rofl:

Maybe he just needed a chance to figure it out instead of being attacked from the start in the first place? Then there would not be a need to close his original thread.