Off Topic Landfill 5

So butthurt you’re making memes, shitposting worked. And just because it’s a shitpost doesn’t mean it isn’t fact (I’ll stand on what I said) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hate to say it, but the GT looks great as-is from that angle. The Benz plate LOL

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Even better: peeps ignore the obvious and the listed definition, and click the link just to be sure



Yeah etron def looks better hands down


Unless you use it for roadtrip or you are taking advantage of free charging, you will barely charge it outside.

Iron Man Eye Roll GIF


lol - the green economy - carbon credits - green investing - low carbon footprint-

Hybrids work - not this EV nonsense - 10 degrees outside and the range drops 50+ miles

Truck is not my type of car, however I don’t run around shaming Truck owners and let them know how wrong their decisions are. YMMV. LOL.

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I don’t think you understand. Most people here didn’t get EV for saving the planet, we got EVs because they are cheap and we can charge at home + using launch mode at every stop light without caring about wear on the engine.


Yep, if they take away the government money and lease subventions so EV cost the same as ICE… then LH would be filled with people saying EV’s are a failure since they cost too much money.

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Cat peed on your hood again

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All day everyday :joy:

EV is only for daily/weekend driving in state. I do enjoy not paying for gas. I used to pay like 400-600 a month in gas. Now it is maybe $100-$200 (mostly the wagoneer). Solar pretty much offsets me charging the EVs

I don’t believe in taking this car outside of it’s range because I don’t have patience to wait to charge or fight fellow EV owners on who is first in line


I would rock that Crown Vick every day back n forth to Miami from Broward on 95 ! Zero F’s given to other drivers. let me know if you selling lol


Scare a few ppl too thinking your a cop lol


Wanna sell your wheels? lol

You buying?

I need for lease return. I have another set of 20s so we can do swap plus cash lol

You sold your original set? :joy:

Then what am I gonna use at return :rofl:

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