Off Topic Landfill 5

$1 house? A house like that is easily worth a million in NYC, that’s a 2 family!


Was just going to say. That’s a legit $1mil house in SF. In the right neighborhood, probably even $1.5mil, and will definitely go above asking price.

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@li8625 is that guy’s landlord


Lol Brooklyn… Is that why BMW calls it Brooklyn Grey? Draby shabby.

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10k a month so I can afford my payments…:joy::joy::joy:

Is this the neighborhood I think it is this house is worth minimum 1.5 M


@anon65069371 ‘s house after he flips his Cybertruck for massive gainz. Movin’ on up to the West Side or East Side Or wherever the hell he lives.


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They are waiting.


cheapshead hay?

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ah the sandal wearing nomads who are now the kings of arabia –

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Ahhh yes, once again @max_g can spout whatever off-topic nonsense he wants in any thread at any time, but anyone else can forget it (unless @max_g engages in it, then it is ok apparently).

Extremely weak.

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Has anyone worked with @Omegaautogroup lately? I’ve had a few family members reach out and they never got a reply. A friend is currently working with Seth and not having the best experience.

I’m looking for some input as I only see good reviews so wondering if Seth is just having a bad day or if that’s what to expect nowadays.

Thanks in advance!

We apologize that your friend is not having the best experience! Would you mind explaining what seems to be the issue?

Also, it doesn’t look like we have any unread or unresponded texts, feel free to have your family members give us a call and we will definitely get them taken care of!

It sounds like they’re having an issue with the numbers presented by Seth and there was an initial lack of communication. I’m sure he’s busy but I truly feel bad for recommending them over to your team since they feel that he’s been a bit short with them.

I’ll let my family know to reach out again in case it was missed. I read all your reviews and saw everything was stellar so I’m truly a bit puzzled.

Was hoping to get some insight from the community with recent deals.

Was the numbers for an Ioniq 5 Limited one pay lease?

Yes, I believe that’s the vehicle they were interested in.

They called me asking for some help since they felt there wasn’t much transparency with Seth. I sent over your reviews from LH but couldn’t find something more recent so was hoping to get feedback from the community.

(post deleted by author)

I don’t think putting the entire deal here and communications was necessary. As an outsider, I simply wanted to help a friend and sent them to a reputable broker.

However, putting the customer’s information out there like that should not be tolerated. @moderators for privacy reasons could you remove the above? I’m shocked that’s allowed

My friend’s financial information and username for their accounts can be seen. Please tend to this as soon as possible. @moderators @Omegaautogroup this was a really poor way to handle the situation when I simply asked the community for recent reviews of your services.

There was no private info posted, but deleted it because client requested.

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