Off Topic Landfill 5

Jon is going to have an aneurism when he gets home from dinner.


Four temporarily, but the M550 is going to the highest bidder as soon as tomorrow. So far itā€™s looking Carvanalicious.


@ursus is currently submerged in an ice bath full of Benadryl

baby bear GIF


would you mind sharing the dealer with me too? Thanks in advance

Is this the RS GT? Looks absolutely badass :+1:

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Yes. RS E-Tron GT. It is insanely fastā€¦feels quicker than my NSX Type S (that I no longer own).

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Did you need this car? No
Did you buy it for the flex? Yes
Congrats Iā€™m jelly :sweat_smile:


Goddamn, 40%?!?


@JohnCaza YOU GOT SOME COMPETITION :rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light:

So does @HersheySweet :eyes::eyes:


No V8 :frowning: also different car, different residuals. Iā€™ve seen 740s around 40%, but still a great deal nonetheless :slight_smile:

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No way! Thatā€™s nuts

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In this market? :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: amazing

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X drive or no?



Can you pm me the dealer as well please? Thank you!

Which dealership?

You broke the system lmao well done.


Everybody be hunting 7series now, thanks a lotā€¦
(Great deal, grats!)

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Assuming gas at $6/gallon and driving 150,000 miles. At 32 mpg (for hybrid) total cost is $28,125.

Assuming 22mpg for gas, total cost is $40,909.

Obviously, I am making lots of assumptions here and ignoring time value of money. That gives you a rough idea.

If you assume gas at $5/gallon, hybrid cost is $23,437 gas cost is $34091.

If the price diff between hybrid and gas is less than cost of gas for driving these miles, you should buy hybrid!

I walked out with a C40 core for $454 a month on a 36 month lease. Sticker was around $58,000 with roughly $16,800 off between a 10% discount (thanks to this forum!) and several incentives added in as well as taking advantage of MSD. Did I get a decent deal? (Got it from the Sterling location)