Off Topic Landfill 5

Nope standard rate MF. Better to finance which is what I did. I predict excellent resale value after the market settles. Just like the ISF.

irreverent question, what is the smiles per gallon per tank

Average about 14-15mpg according to the gauge.

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You’re going to lose alot of money on this there is no way around it. You picked it up in the most overpriced market in history, and now you want to dump it in a severe pullback and high interest rate environment after only one year.

The only finance that makes sense here is not getting a wagoneer right now and waiting at least one more year.

Thanks for your great advice, i can afford both, no worries.

No one said you cant afford anything, but you sound like a child coming here agressive with your little “humble brag” mr “I can afford it”. Grow up. You posted several times looking for advice. Dont get upset that all the comments are telling you the same thing, that you’re SOL getting out of this clean. That was your financial commitment and you signed the contract. How old are you?

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It’s not your problem how old are you, everybody here trying to help except you genius coming up with your advices, nobody invited you here come and comment, ok ?

You posted on a public forum looking for advice on how to walk away without losing money. Mine wasn’t the only comment that said you are not getting out of this clean. You woke up on the wrong side of the bed and got very aggresive and tried to start flaunting money like a petulant 13 year old. I have the right to comment here. You have no right to come at people with disrespect. You’re pathethic, grow up.

Don’t say that before OP catches you. I said the same thing and he got very aggresive and he wants to flaunt his money now lmaoo. Mods need to clean this up. If a poster is going to get personal and aggresive on responses to his questions they should delete his thread. Hes not looking for actual answers, but for the answers he wants to hear.

Relax dude, i’m not agressive i’m saying i can afford both and thanks for your advice :slight_smile: It’s you being aggressive and taking it personal. Have no time to waste with you, sorry good luck.

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Why do I want one now ?? Lol congratulations looks good


Same. The search begins.

I’d be interested if this is still available.

The post I replied to , clearly.

Didn’t ask the location.

Still makes no sense.
And username doesn’t check out.


This is perfect - I can use what I just said to my 6 year old this morning

When you have a better attitude, please come back and we can have a mature conversation…


Good Game Handshake GIF by Gaming GIFs


You all are soft lol real quick tempers. Can’t even answer the question.

Darn - you were so close!!! I remember the first time my son tried to come back and have a mature conversation… I know you will get it!! Just takes practice…

As a caring broker on this forum…I just wanted to pass along three great pieces of information

  1. :100: NYCLIFE January AUDI deals! A4 10% off A5 10% off Q3 10% off Q5 10% off! [NY/NJ/PA/CT]




You sure have time on your hands lol. Have a good one.