Off Topic Landfill 5

Is that a CA compliant AK? Looks like it has too many evil features

Looks like a nice piece but my condolences for living in CA with it. I remember when I built my AR I had to make it NJ compliant and it felt like mutilating my hard work

@gc2a Thanks. I consider myself a freedom fighter as a pew pew owner in CA!

Is that a rooftops special?

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Looking for T8 Ultimate lease. What color and options you have? PM me.

How many carbon credits does zee environmental protection package come with?

You get to FaceTime with Greta for 5 minutes.


Greta autographed catalytic converters


Regardless of her mission, the poor kid (now an adult I suppose) is being abused by her parents and other handlers. :cry:

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Agree with everything but poor. Willing to bet she has more cash then all of us here…cult of personality pays.

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Sounds like these Audi leases might make sense now for EV. Looking forward to hearing from you @Anthony_Lopez

any good lease deals on any SUV, for Dallas area?

Looking to buy 2023 Kia Telluride. Any deals?

Friends, read the fine print. That’s about $1k per month before TTL


If that’s the ad there’s should be room to work with

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Absolutely horrifying deal. Made me think this was a Halloween special :ghost:

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And yet a walk-in will take that deal and be perfectly content with it.

Let’s show some appreciation for the average retail customer, they make this possible.


Confused by your post. Are you saying Sewickly is a good dealer to work with, or why are you posting this dealer specifically vs any other dealer with service loaners?

I’m just sharing a decent bank of 2022 loaners and wanted to mention that other Sewickley stores have been discussed in a less favorable light on the forum before (i.e. having lots of cars, but not discounting, specifically when Day Audi was closing).

Apologies if I’m misunderstanding, but why would one go to a dealer that’s been discussed in a less positive light on the forum previously, versus any other dealer that has 5-6 macan loaners (about 70% of dealers i’ve looked into around the northeast and midatlantic have a number of macan loaners).

Think the thread is intended to provide leads from LHs to get good offers.

Edit: Keep getting moved to landfill but think this is relevant to the thread?