Off Topic Landfill 5

Sign and drive, $0 out of pocket and I believe around $950 after 7.75% tax

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Defenders Unite!

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Haha. Not the first time!

As someone who was new in 2019 to CO, the 2% of MSRP first year plus a few other fees thrown in threw me off. Almost makes the 2nd yr look a little better :frowning:

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Colorado is no joke when it comes to registry dues.

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What is HST for $8k? Not that Iā€™m not in awe of the list of fee prior to total Sale price but stillā€¦

GST and HST ā€“ The goods and services tax (GST) is a tax that you pay on most goods and services sold or provided in Canada. In New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Prince Edward Island, the GST has been blended with the provincial sales tax and is called the harmonized sales tax (HST)


That doesnā€™t feel very harmonious to me.


Useless history lesson:
Back in the 80s or so, they only charged provincial sales tax in Canada (similar to US sate based sales tax), and supposedly federal taxes were already included in the price of the product. Then the government decided they should have a federal sales tax and they could charge it multiple times. Letā€™s say you bought a widget, previously it had hidden tax built in, but now the distributor pays federal tax when they buy the widget from the manufacturer, then the retailer pays tax when they buy from the distributor and finally the consumer pays when they buy from the retailer, so the item is taxed multiple times.

Eventually they ā€œharmonizedā€ it with provincial taxes. Itā€™s ā€œonlyā€ 13% today in Ontario (largest province by population) but used to be 7% federal and 8% provincial.

Paying 13-15% sales tax on a new car is simply atrocious. Plus they add random taxes, income tax is stupidly high too, but donā€™t worry, healthcare is ā€œfreeā€



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Not useless at all. Just a primer on how nothing is free and how the scariest sentence in the English language was and should remain:

Iā€™m from the government and Iā€™m here to help.


The crown needs their 10% cut!


There is no free lunch anywhere.

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The unproductive members of society disagree.


Cc: Staten Island - only place that has Amazon union lol - I thought they were all for free markets lol

You are obviously not married.


Only 40 years.


father jerome has blessed us with more of his wisdom. prepare for everything to go to shit.