Off Topic Landfill 5

Continue searching! I asked other questions similar to that for other cars. The reason I asked that question is because my wife is hell bent on getting the car, but if something happens where it’s too big or too much, I’d like to be sure it’s optioned properly to sell. Probably the less options the easier the flip, but I don’t care. Im doing a one-pay and keeping the damn thing.

You think you’re a tough guy, or have some secrets. None of the above exist. Im as honest as they come.

Want any proof?

If you’d ever like to be harassed by a broker then by all means pay @DistrictCars his fee! I haven’t but I got my money’s worth!

Hello, interested in this can you please message me?

How do I contact Quentin?

Message him @nyclife. ← click on this, or email him

Just sent an email to you.

My lease is coming to an end in 3 months and I want to wait for the M2 CS. Just need something to get me through next few months to a year the most. Hence, for the obvious reason, I’m not willing to pay extra to take over a lease. I’ll pay the $500 transfer fee but that’s about it. Keeping my fingers crossed for something right to pop up here in the next few weeks.

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M2 CS allocations were released last year and were spoken for pretty fast. There won’t be a G87 M2 CS for few years, so I’m assuming you mean G87 M2/M2C. M2 start of production is slated for 12/2022, meaning first deliveries will not happen before Feb 2023 (remember the first round of allocations will go quick and for heavy markup). You’re looking at a year minimum, given most folks are waiting 3-4 months for their G80/G82 deliveries right now.

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I suppose I got the wrong info about the G87 CS. I’ll be very pleased with the G87 M2C as well. I’m reaching out to dealer to find out when they will likely start taking orders. I suppose you are right about a year minimum. I need have something to get me through the end of this year. Once an order is placed, the lease can be extended for up to 6 months.

Is this with Clutch’s SE dealer? I expect my November ordered Wrangler to be at the dealership this coming week so I appreciate info on shipping options to Colorado.

I sure hope so. I swear they have teams of interns trained to just fuck with people.

Easy solution. Get rid of cats. Let’s stop pretending that cars are the problem. 15 container ships emit more co2 then all the cars in the world roughly. That’s an insane statistic that basically true from what I’ve seen.

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Easy solution. Get rid of cats. Let’s stop pretending that cars are the problem. 15 container ships emit more co2 then all the cars in the world roughly. That’s an insane statistic that basically true from what I’ve seen. Reflect on that…

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Where did you read that? My quick research shows that your statistics are totally off. From what I read, all cars produce about 3.3 billion metric tons a year, while the total for ALL container ships (not just 15) produce up to 1 billion metric tons a year.

You don’t have to twist my arm. :handshake:

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Statistics bro. Skew data how you want to. Aren’t you people used to doing that?

Just Google my claim…

The dirtiest 15 cargo ships emit about the equivalent…

Let the poors buy Tesla’s is not a solution as much as letting the poor slaves mine rare earth for batteries.


Not sure how this supports your original statement. Assuming each one of these countries has more than 15 ships.

Do the math. Billion cars divided by 50 mil. 20 ships…

Just like all the carbon credit pushing elite pollute more in a day then the common man day in a lifetime. Yes most of the 3rd world doesn’t contribute much. Scale is not the liberal greens strong suit.

But but but, those fancy people flying private jet everywhere told us plebs that we’re the problem because we won’t just eat the bugs and live in the pod. :disguised_face: :new_moon_with_face:


Yepp. Money is excluded. Money has always been excluded.