Off Topic Landfill 4

No, that’s nonsense.

The 1% rule is a nonsensical rule that does nothing to inform what is or isn’t a good deal. Forget you’ve ever heard such drivel.


oh, hell no. we ain’t starting this debate in a live thread. nope.

Plenty of info in here…

This is just a loaded question, and probably doesnt need it’s own thread.

you’ve bumped your volvo thread with a cadillac deal

I deleted
check again

Is this High Velocity yellow? If so, I’m in


Which state do you guys live in that there are lines at Costco? I have been going to Costco for two years and never seems to be crowded or even a line. I also have Sam’s club membership, almost the same empty gas stations there too.

There used to be big lines at Costco in CA when I lived there. Now that I’m in FL, I don’t see them.

In the DC concert she dropped her mic and the music kept going. Lip singing all the way.

Heheh…Why’s that give me these vibes?
milli vanilli fraud GIF

Millii Vanilli LMAOOO I haven’t seen this since the 90s :man_facepalming:t2:

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Nothing says a thread has run its course like a Milli Vanilli gif.


Lock it down boys…

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Fat chance,practically the only game in town!

what discount can brokers do off a ‘22 dua lipa in high velocity yellow??


99.9% residual

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Refundable deposit??

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high mileage discounts?