Off Topic Landfill 4

I was called obnoxious asshole for replying at 10 AM lol but ok

Not to mention what does me being Indian have anything to do with this.


Too bad all the hard work and bunches of money still won’t buy humility, which is more premium than Acura, Infiniti and Buick combined.


He wouldn’t be the first person on this site to brag about his car. But what was said earlier is uncalled for and why wouldn’t that go into landfill?


As was already suggested before all the posts went to landfill, you guys want to take this to PM maybe? As funny as this Crackerjack psychology ted talk is to read it has nothing to do with anything and is just a more creative way of reigniting shit flinging but from the made up moral superiority position.

The topic of tires comes up regularly, so I can repurpose this into a more general thread about tire replacement / tire shopping if there is interest.

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  • Yes - make it general and ongoing
  • No - keep it limited to BestUsedTires → TireMart discussion

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I tried to tell him his numbers were off but he was too arrogant/ignorant to listen. Take his listings with a grain of salt.

Arrogant? You’re just a troll. You’ve been trolling on pretty much every broker’s thread. You’ve already been banned once from LH…so do me a favor and don’t worry about anyone’s calculator links. It baffles me why you click on them anyway. You aren’t buying/leasing anything from anyone :slight_smile:


What is your deal with DL? Did you deal with him directly on a vehicle and he did you wrong or do you just wanna talk shit on the internet for whatever reason? As far as I’m concerned he has good reviews and is easy to deal with which is what you want in a broker. I hope potential new customers don’t take anything YOU say to heart and they should do their own due diligence.

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I hope no one listens to this guy… Judging by his previous posts history he clearly is just on this thread to troll. If you walk into your average dealer these days you’d be lucky to pay invoice let alone anything even close to the price DL or other brokers offer. I ordered with DL last week and within 24hrs had my VIN/VON from the selling dealer. I’ll be sure to update on the remainder of the process after I receive delivery but so far I’ve had nothing but an excellent experience.


@leasecompanionm, your dealership is taking longer than everyone else’s though.

What proof do you have of this claim? Merely anecdotal and not at all reflective of one dealer, I’m sure.
I have one anecdotal instance I can provide. One order through Chapman, then another through @AutoCompanion 3 weeks later. The letters I received tell me they are arriving only 5 days apart. So LC’s dealer is 2 weeks faster than Chapman.
So your claim is already wrong.

I will do a special for you at 10% off.


He was being sarcastic, Q.

Relaxing Chill Out GIF by Hello All

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A 10% group buy would definitely generate some numbers. :flushed:

Having seen their previous “banter”, I seriously doubt it.

Can’t wait for you to start paying customers for placing orders.


I doubt it will be anywhere close to as much as LeaseCompanion pays you…


Tell me more lol

That is all :grinning: