Off Topic Landfill 3

Can you pls share dealer info

About to pull the trigger on this deal. Any suggestions or recommendations?
Velar S 6 cyclinder with R dynamics.

Nice to have some Midwest flavor…

Excited to see what you can do

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I can beat that deal

Went to the dealer today to make sure of legroom in the K5. These are the two offers i got the trade in is on my 17 Kia Forte which I am currently leasing. Sales manager said Kia was not doing the $500 lease loyalty with the K5 but they could try to get it when paperwork is submitted. I just feel at that price there is more car for the buck with that payment.

Ok. This is spooky. I’m at the vet, read your post and guess what song is onl?


Looking to lease in SoCal. Anyone got deal hook ups? Please DM me. Much appreciated!

Would like to talk about this X3 today ^^^

Send me a PM and i’ll give you my cell. thanks

I work at Alfa/Maserati Boston and can beat that deal.

I work at Alfa/Maserati Boston and can probably beat that deal.

I work at Alfa/Maserati Boston and can beat that deal!!

Where are you located?
I work at Alfa/Maserati Boston and CSM probably beat that deal.

Yes, the time to review an application is def longer than the usual processing time especially now with what’s going on. I called them 3 times, and I got three different times.

Pm if available

Can you PM me the NH dealer?

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What dealer in NH?

PM me. interested.

Is this still available?

Honest question, why does is take so insanely long to buy a car?