Off Topic Landfill 3

Looking for 20/21 Q7/Q8 PP or Prestige any color 36/10k

Please share link of Q5e.


Hi Donny, please pm me the link for E-Tron. Thank you.


Hi Donny
Please send me spreadsheet.


Anybody in Oklahoma able to provide such great deals??? Since Ryan can not sell to out of state customers. Hope everyone had a great holiday

@trusted_hackrs lol please remove the above post.

look at my onepay prices and compare - mine are the lowest by far. There’s a reason I’m the only dealer on the forum that has issues with being sold out :upside_down_face:

Stop being an ass and next time you want to tag another dealer in his tread just don’t and instead DM the person you are trying to help.

I meant too DM…but hit the wrong button…try some decaf bro. JFC

Again, I pay for the right to advertise my deals how I please. If you don’t want a onepay go buy somewhere else (and you did).

So quit posting on my thread. Thanks.


Never worked for me…what brand you recommend?

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Lol I doubt he’s hurting for your business. Bye bye :wave:

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M sport? Please DM me with details. Thanks

I’m interested; please PM me.

We can’t agree on this because there are some people who cannot stay home. The grocery store clerk who brings your food out to your car can’t stay home. The police officers and firefighters and EMTs whose jobs keep the wheels of society turning cannot stay home. Utility workers, public transit workers, prison guards, doctors and nurses, the list goes on. Those people must go to work or society collapses, and your insistence on wandering around without a care in the world puts them at additional risk. To put it simply, it’s selfish. As someone who works in support of critical infrastructure, I’ve done my best to work from home as much as possible this year, but I’ve also literally lost track of the number of PCR COVID tests and weeks of quarantine after essential travel or confirmed exposures I’ve endured this year to ensure I don’t pass it on to my loved ones.

Asymptomatic spread is absolutely real, despite what some news sources have recently reported. The CDC themselves state this. Asymptomatic individuals are less contagious than symptomatic individuals, but only by ~25%, and 50% of transmission occurs before symptoms do. ~40-50% of COVID cases are asymptomatic, so even if you have no symptoms, you cannot know for certain that you do not have it.

Your quoted death rate is deeply flawed for a couple of reasons. First, as you get older, the likelihood of requiring hospitalization or dying goes up dramatically. A 40-49 year old is roughly 30x as likely to require hospitalization as a 5-17y/o. The rate of mortality for a 40-49y/o is over 100x the rate of mortality for a 5-17y/o. Second, the death rate doesn’t take into account the substantial long-term side effects that some people experience - you might infect someone, and they might survive, but they also might end up with long-term cardiovascular or neurological damage.

The lost livelihoods are tragic, yes, but you make that statement like it’s an either-or choice. It’s not. The vast majority (if not all) other Western countries on earth have figured out how to have it both ways, though regular and sustained economic stimulus to ensure that people can continue to pay their bills and survive without putting their lives (and the lives of others) at risk to do so. One of the great tragedies of this pandemic is, and will be, be the govt’s inability to support non-essential workers, forcing them to choose between their health and their fiscal survival.

Please stay home. Order take-out, support your local restaurants and small businesses, but please do it from your pajamas at your house if you are lucky enough to be able to. People who are not as lucky as you are are banking their lives and good health on it.

Oh, a numbers guy…
Let me give you some gems from UK since they seem to keep track of everything a little better…numbers from last month.
Median Covid death age: 82.4
Life expectancy age: 81.1

0.0001 is indeed x100 more compared to 0.000001…fun with math.

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Oh, look — a bunch of people woke up this morning and decided that they went to grad school for epidemiology.

Oh, wait — no you didn’t.

Shut up and get back to cars.


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Sent you a PM

Sent a PM for a link to your spreadsheet. Thanks.

Sent you a request for the spreadsheet. Thanks

“Trust the process” Did you ever work for the Sixers? :slight_smile: