★ OC Auto Lease ★ SoCal and NorCal: WE BUY CARS! ★ All Leases, Finances, and Outright Owned Vehicles ★ Every Make ★

If you’ve looked at our reviews, you know we kill it when it comes to used car buying.

We have a team of specialists who kill it on the trade in process by offering comfort of coming to you (whether you’re in NorCal, SoCal, or potentially even Las Vegas and Arizona) – we will come and buy your car. We can buy ALL leases, payoff all loans, and pay out equity the SAME DAY!

We are licensed, bonded, and insured and have a team of 10 top notch buyers who will give you top dollar offers and come out the same day and meet you at the nearest Bank of America, Chase, or Wells Fargo to you!

★ We beat Carmax and Carvana all day long and can buy ANY BRAND! ★

PREFER TEXT: (949) 232-4468
EMAIL: moiz@ocautolease.com

Please ensure to include: Vin #, Miles, Photos, Any Damages, Payoff, and whether you are looking to replace or just sell.

Let’s get you out of your car and into a new car today :smiley:

We matched Carvana, came out, delivered and drove off with the trade!

If there is equity, we are paying YOU!