Numbers off by a couple bucks

I did the calculations by hand and in the calculator on this site and got 348. Dealership got 351.

MSRP : 37,245
Selling Price : 34,962
Acq Fee : 595
Doc Fee : 75
Sales Tax : 8.625% (NY)
Rebates : 5150 (taxed)
MF : .00087
56% residual

Site spits out 348 or 349 (depending on which tax choice you pick at the bottom (1 or 3))
I get 348
Dealer gets 351

This is with everything rolled in and just first payment up front.

Maybe they charging you extra for some coffee money. You not seriously trying to figure out 3 bucks difference are you? If it bugs you so much just tell dealer i want 348 and i am sure he can do it. Its only 100 off the sales price. Enjoy the car dont go crazy over 3 bucks.


Oh FFS do you expect anyone here to go through the trouble of reverse engineering your deal just to find $3/m?

For future reference know your own state laws well. You are probably missing a small tax somewhere, like on the acq fee or something

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Taxed the acq fee as well, still off.

Here is $1.76 off from dealer’s numbers in his favor, it that makes you feel better ($595 + $75 + $444 tax on rebates = $1,114):

And another calculator with the same numbers - within 50 cents:

Can we start a collection so this guy can get the car finally. I mean seriously 3 bucks.


At least it wasn’t two dollars.


Two bucks in 85 is like $4.50 today!!

I remember a guy once told me he walked from a new car over 50 bucks! I consider that a win if we are that close!

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