Nissan Leaf problems


Hello folks!!!
Just found this.
Can anyone who has Nissan Leaf comment this article?

Reading that article (I don’t drive a leaf but do an EV)
The battery, please! Draining a year old battery overnight is almost guaranteed to kill it.

Other things? Normal Car W&T. The seatbelt that catches the sensor does seem to need a TSB fix.

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This is exhibit A-Z for why you lease a depreciable asset and not own it.


Especially Leaf has the best offer for 24 months.

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Why would anybody be surprised that a Nissan is falling apart after 66k miles

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Whenever I see a link from CLeanTechnica, Elektek and I forget the third one, I can pretty much assume what it’s going to say. If it’s a link on Tesla it will be either 1) an excuse of why some Tesla fuck up is a good thing or 2) attributing some god tier shit to Tesla that has nothing to do with it. If it’s an article on any other EV it will be a hit piece because all of those publications are not about EV but about Tesla stock price.

Now I don’t know if Nissan LEAF falls apart at 66k miles, or if it blows up at a 100, but I would take any “article” from those publications with a grain of salt.


They lease for pennies so why even consider buying one…


It’s a Versa whose powertrain is a laptop battery, and at launch they bragged about the interior materials being made from recycled plastics.

And as others have said, you can rent their best 2 years for pennies and then hand the keys and warranty issues back to NMAC.

Not even for free. No thank you.


I wish she would have dived into this a bit more rather than say devoting a paragraph to a broken sunvisor clip:

It also makes the fact that the dealer who sold it pulled a shady paperwork trick (to cheat me out of $5,000) that much more bitter


can’t elaborate on what most likely didn’t happen. And paragraph on broken sunvisor is what happens when you get paid by the word.

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Yes, this is far better than previous model years of the vehicle. I once owned a 2011 LEAF with around 40,000 miles that had lost almost half of its range.

Sooooo basically, this person is a moron.


I guarantee that is “the dealer told me there was a $5250 federal incentivize for it being an ev and they didn’t even include it on my contract!”

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