Nissan Direct Buyouts - all states but Ohio and Illionois

I was on the phone on Wednesday with Nissan finance about my lease termination, and I needed a Supervisor and while discussing my purchase options, he shared with me that Nissan now allows Direct Buyouts for all states, except for Ohio and Illinois. He said they were working on trying to do it for all states, but currently it still was not allowed in those two states.

He said this was a direct result of the dealers playing games and charging people add’l fees to buy out their leases. If you don’t see the option when logged into your account, he said to call Nissan direct, and they would assist you in how to go about a direct purchase. the dealers are not happy about this news, and likely won’t share this info, so don’t bother w/ a dealer if you want to buyout direct.


Oh :face_with_peeking_eye:

Always has to be difficult

Nice find thanks for sharing.