New York Car Insurance

What is the cheapest car insurance company jn NY … i have Geico and it seems to be the cheapest

go get some quotes and let us know

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NY state or NY city? I had Geico until a year ago and then Liberty Mutual beat it by a few hundreds.

This has been discussed ad nauseum here. 10 different people are going to give you 10 different answers. There’s no “Cheapest car insurance” for everyone. Your age, gender, type of car, physical address, credit rating, DMV record, and accident record among other things are all going to play into it. No 2 people will get the same quote. You will have to investigate for yourself by getting quotes from different companies.

Case in point… @xxHaimBondxX got a better quote from Liberty Mutual than Geico. Geico was way cheaper than Liberty Mutual for me. Erie just beat Geico for me, so I switched.

I live in Nassau County

Erie is a insurance company?

Whether they insure your area or not is a question I don’t know.

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