New US Brand Pick up truck(1500) to lease

In Denver, in your opinion(s) which pickup should I be going after right now? Currently have a 2022 GMC Sierra expiring. Silverado? Ram?

Thanks for any help!

Although you may not want to hear it, the Tundra is prob the best value or most hack able at the moment.

A few of us have historically had a good experience at Mountain States fwiw. It’s made in TX if that addresses your US concern.

Best bet is sticking with GM since you have loyalty

What about this loaded to the max Sierra in the private transfer forum?

GM Financial is in state transfers only

Man, GM Financial sucks.

Although I get it, transferring a lease from someone in New York to Jersey probably increases the repo-loss-risk by like 100x.

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If GM Financial allowed out of state transfers, I’d have at least 5 hummers posted on SAL. Lmao


It all depends on how you are using the truck.

What is this NJ Slander? You mean NJ to NY?

Are Hummers leasing well in some states? Just curious. I’ve never seen one on the road, but EVs also are not popular in general here.