To Splattered’s earlier mileage point, is there a rationale for the default mileage set to 12K instead of 10K? This had me confuzzled the first several times I used the MF/RV function.
Awesome work.
‘No reliable data found’ on Jeep Wrangler.
12k has always been the Calculator’s default since some brands do not offer 10k.
That’s not an error. We haven’t been able to consistently and systematically find reliable data for Chrystal Capital. Would need to keep digging…
We did see the error you mentioned and implemented some changes to mitigate the loading error. We will continue to monitor it. Thanks for letting us know!
@Jon We added a note to indicate that these are captive bank finance programs only.
I regret I have but one like to give!. This is kick ass! Thank you!
This is amazing! Thanks for the effort!
No data on Volvo in NE?
p.s. great work!
Which Volvo model were you searching for? I am seeing Volvo data for the NYC area…
Searched a few. V60, S60, XC40. Also used one NJ and one NY zip.
Amazing amazing update.
I did, however, hit an error. To test, I plugged in a Camaro LT1, since I know the numbers offhand. For 39/10, it came up with correct MF, but only 59% RV when it should be 64%. So I’d say, for now, confirming vs Edmunds is necessary.
It turns out that the Calculator Query was pulling un-subvented data, whereas the data Edmunds provided was subvented. We just tweaked that code to pull only subvented data. It should match Edmunds’ now.
Thanks for letting us know!
Very nice feature. Thank you!
Very nice feature. Thanks!
Great feature, where does the incentive info come from, besides Edmunds?
Is the Lease Program Query feature gone now? Looks like it’s missing in the calculator.
Unfortunately, our Lease Program Query feature is down at the moment. We will give you an update when/if we get it running again. Thanks!
This is a dynamite feature, so hope to see it’s return!
The RV/MF search feature was in fact blocked by some of our data sources due to the unexpected popularity of the tool. We are able to get it running again by investing in additional tech infrastructure. As much as we would like to make this feature publicly accessible, these additional tech requirements incur a cost based on the volume of requests. We are going to limit this feature to @super_supporters and @trusted_hackrs for the time-being until we figure out how to scale it. The Lease Program Query feature is accessible in the new Supporters Lounge exclusive to our long-time supporters.
If you want to support our work, you can become a @super_supporters here. You can cancel your recurring donation anytime via our Donor Portal.
Please note that we are not selling the RV/MF search query as a service.