"New" Honda CPO leasing program

I stumbled upon Honda’s latest buzz – their Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) lease program for cars from 2018 or newer. Not sure why this is news worthy because we’ve seen Honda used car leases in the past. In any case, I decided to crunch some numbers to see if this program might be a good option for leasing.

Honda is promoting this as geared towards “young and first-time buyers” because “new car prices are too high”.

News Story:

Details on Honda’s website:

I ran the numbers on a used 2019 CR-V EX with 56k miles through their new program on their website’s calculator. Total lease cost: ~$21k.

A comparable 2019 CR-V EX with fewer miles at a dealership is about the same price.

Looking through the marketplace, you can lease a new one for less than $500/mo with similar inceptions.

So under this CPO lease program, you’re essentially forking out payments equivalent to the entire cost of a 2019 CPO CR-V EX purchase but with the “privilege” of returning it at the end of the lease.

Only one Honda is helping with this program is themselves.


Designed to appeal to the person who walks into a Honda dealership and gets quoted $750 + 4k DAS on a new CRV.

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seems a little predatory if the program is specifically geared towards young people

Just like 50% of ads in general and pretty much all social media.

Why would Honda not cash in?

I understand why they would, just thinking it is predatory because the entire programs is build for “young” people who don’t know better.

Make It Rain Money GIF

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I like where it says finance $438 mo