New Highlander xle vs pilot exl

Which one would you get if payments same and why? Thanks

But they’re not. The Pilot is about $100
/month cheaper


Toyota has nicer interior and probably feels less like a tall minivan driving. If payment was the same highlander

Here in socal HL $1000 drive off 340 monthly.

Lowest and most recent Pilot exl I’ve seen zero drive off $351 tax inc with $3750 incentive ($1000 of it first responder)

So not much difference here

That’s a strong deal on a Highlander XLE in this market

@Cody_Carter - is that right on an XLE in SoCal

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Here in Texas, it’s around $460 DAS and $460 x 35 months. (Inclusive of outrageous TX tax)

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Yes from his website


Toyota because Honda needs to stop using timing belts, on the off chance you keep this thing past lease and get into 6-digit mileage.

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For a MY2020 (the new body)?

Yes exactly. @max_g