New England Corvette Lease Deal-MSRP $57885. 36/10K $536PM includes 6.25% tax and GM lease loyalty. First and reg das

One car one deal (for now) so please respect the post and don’t ask for others yet :slight_smile:

Corvette LT1 Stingray 7 spd manual
MSRP 57885
36 months
10k miles/yr
Includes GM lease loyalty
Base payment $505
Total due at signing-$505 plus tax and registration

$399 Broker Fee on this one


Wow… So much for “cOrVeTtEs DoNt LeAsE wElL”

Lol! Only way to move them in New England winter I guess

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Ehhh… Throw some Blizzaks or Sottozeros on there and you’re golden! Plus you could always garage it and just drive it twice as much when it’s nice out.


Can you deal in PA.?

The dealer can ship to PA no problem. I believe you have to be present to sign ppw though.

interested on an AUTO trans. in NJ. can travel if need be

Have you tried Kerbeck?

Yes, not even close to 500. was close to 700 DAS 700.

Oh wow!

Shoot me a PM w your desired specs and I’ll get a number tomorrow.


I am assuming you cant do the deal in CA area right ?

If you’re willing to hop on a flight to sign ppw, they ship nationwide no problem.

How much would the shipping cost around ?

I imagine $1000-$1500

Are you seeing any Z06 deals out there?

Nah I wish

Bob_Lee I can see $650 DAS, $569/mo, 39/10 on Kerbeck’s site right now

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This one ad car is still available!