Negotiating sales price - questions - Truecar

No problem. Btw that was 39/12 not 36/12. Infiniti stretches their leases out another 3 months.

Iā€™ve been looking at TrueCar to help give me some negotiating edge for either a lease or purchase of a Honda Clarity PHEV. How valid are the ā€œExceptionalā€ prices in their transactions chart? For example, hereā€™s what I get for the Clarity Base model in my area:

It shows that 6 people paid between $28,060 and $28,524, and 2 others paid btw $28,524 and $29,987. How does TrueCar obtain these prices?

If they are valid, I would certainly like to use those prices in my negotiation. However, if they are not actual sale prices, I donā€™t want to offend the sales manager by making such a low-ball offer.

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Those are probably people that were at the right place at the right time. You can shoot for that price range and see what happens. Iā€™m sure they were at month, quarter or year end. Maybe with a broker? Lots of variables.

So they do reflect genuine sales? I guess TrueCar canā€™t just make up imaginary sales; Iā€™m just really curious how it obtained these prices. Iā€™m glad to hear that these prices are possible, and now I have a good idea of some targets to shoot for when I start emailing dealers.

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The secret to understanding pricing today is to understand that the invoice prices no longer stand for what the dealers actually pay for a car.

I wrote a long review post about this but if I link to it everyone will get mad, so you will have to dig or I guess remain uninformed because thatā€™s what forums prefer.


If you research things like Dealer Holdbacks, you will start to see the picture that is painted on how dealerships and manufacturers disconnect the prices dealers pay from the invoice. The reason is Simple:

When the internet started getting into car deals the industry realized anyone would be able to get an invoice price, so the logical solution was to ensure that the invoice price was meaningless, and here we are in 2018 and the invoice price is meaningless.

Services like Truecar live off of hanging around invoice pricing because people who honestly have no way of knowing better think ā€œSure, pay an invoice price for a car, thatā€™s fairā€. Truth is the prices they are showing you are set 100% by the dealership. There is actually a video on Youtube of a Truecar rep selling dealers and he clearly says ā€œYou set your price based on what you want to make on top of or below invoiceā€.

Again, Iā€™d link to it, but I donā€™t need the hate people here will give me, so your on your own.

If anyone has any additional questions, Iā€™ll be aroundā€¦