Negative equity special: New 2019 BMW 440i ///M Performance / $67.9K MSRP / $471($620) / 36M/12K / Only P1/MSDx7 DAS

$67,940 / MSRP
$55,500 / Sale price before incentives (18.3% off)
$8,750 / Incentives (Lease cash, BMW Loyalty, DFaC OL)

$46,750 / Sale price after incentives (31.2% off)

Driveoffs & Misc — All capitalized
-TTL+DOC, $2,700
-ACQ, $925
-Negative equity from trade, $5,500

MF .00165 (.00130 w/MSDx7)
36M/12K 56% RV ($38,040)
$471 ($620)/mo
$457 ($606)/mo effective with $500 CCA rebate)

P1+ MSDx7 DAS ($5,170)
LH Score: 13.0y (9.9y)

Calculator without negative equity:

Calculator with negative equity:


Track handling pack or no?

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Also is that new or a loaner? I assume loaner.

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Awesome! I am also wondering if new or loaner. Don’t see mention of residual hit so maybe new?

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It’s as new as new gets. Only test drives!


Jesus. 18% on new? There must be some serious trunk money.


How did you get 18.3% on a new one?

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Long term resident (10 mos), I’m almost sure it had some built in assistance as my first pencil on it came in at 15%.

And before anyone asks, I did not get jacked on the trade. Dealer matched quote from Vroom which was higher than Carvana, and CarMax.


You need to switch from looking for loaners to new ones, apparently :wink:

Nice car OP. It’ll be a fun ride for sure


Thanks! It was the right deal on a car more or less what I was looking for! (Convertible would have been even more fun but less practical due to trunk space)

It was also a perfect opportunity to bury a little mountain of negative equity with the incentives being where they are.

Negative equity from lease you were trying to get out of? Or a different vehicle?

No kidding. Though I’ve been looking at Gran Coupes and not coupes.


Different vehicle, was not a lease.

Ahh ok I saw you put up some lease transfers…I would have been shocked if it was one of those haha. Great work love the color scheme.

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Definitely not!

I’m still open to transferring either one of the others to get some of my garage space back.

Congrats. You might even be able to transfer it in Swapalease crowd and get rid of your negative equity for free :slight_smile:


This one is for those that laugh when you contribute to BMW deal threads with a target discount range they claim is too high! Great work on a beautiful car.


The reality is that this is still better than most (95%+) 440i deals out there when you factor in the MSRP.

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Guessing the 5500 negative equity was before you perfected your lease hacker skills

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