NEED HELP! Mazda CX-5 lease

2016.5 Mazda CX-5 Grand Touring fully loaded
MSRP: $33700
Sales Price: $31332
Residual %: 60%
RV: $20220
Term: 36mo + 10k mi/yr
MF: .00051
Down $2699

$3737 Drive off
$249 Monthly wo tax
$270 monthly with tax

Please advise! It’s my first lease.

Terrible deal for an outgoing model. Discount should be more and don’t put any money down.

That deal is laughable, you need to get a better discount.

How do I negotiate to get to lower sell price and put no money down??, this is 100 dollars lower with 200 dollars less down

I’m located in NorCal. Does that matter for out of state leases? Is it possible to use that for negotiating?

Just tell the dealer the discount is not acceptable. it sounds like you need to read up before making any deal because a down payment is almost always an atrocious idea. Putting “NEED HELP” in your title is also somewhat obnoxious because if you are posting in Ask the Hackrs, it is obvious that you want others to critique your deal.

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