MY23 BMW loaner credits

Looking at MY23 loaner BMWs in northeast area. Found a couple with 5K -15K miles on them, some registered corporate, some commercial, some never registered at all.

When I pull up the leasehackr calculator, it looks like I can get a full 7500 off of i4, and 9900 off of iX. Calling dealerships, am told no. Can someone clarify if I’m doing something wrong with the calculator, or whether I’m being told no mistakenly by the dealer?

iX are $5,900 on a loaner.

thanks, and 0 for i4?

Look at Marketplace listings. That should tell you what discount is possible before rebates and what the rebate amount is.

The rebate amount is definitely worth knowing but it’s also only a small part of the equation

$7,500 for i4 loaners.