MSDs on Printout Worksheet

Hey everyone! I got email confirmation that the dealer (Mazda) accepts MSD. For those that have used MSDs in the past, do you have them include it on the printout worksheet before going in to the dealer to finalize the deal?

Yes. Why wouldnt you?

Yeah, you’re right. Maybe the better question is if anyone has had issues getting the dealer to include them on the printout. In this process, it seems dealer to dealer, it varies how granular they can show fees, supposedly because of their systems.

We use CDK and the printout of the deal does not show MSD’s on the main page, it does show them if you print out the drive off screen. Every dealers DMS is different (software they use for contracts etc). The contract you sign will show them.

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@Rick707 @mllcb42 so I had no luck getting the dealers to provide any sort of printout with the MSDs factored in. However, I did have a dealer provide a quote with a MF below buy rate (pending credit approval) w/o any mention of MSDs. Is this possible or are they just luring me into running my credit? I already warned them given my scores, there should be no reason I’m not approved for their best rate, but still have a feeling this is too good to be true.

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to add further, the MF quoted is lower then the buy rate - max MSDs

Are you sure they’re not using a different bank?

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I did end up doing the credit app to hold them to those numbers (and since auto inquiries work the same as mortgage inquiries). This is what showed up, so not sure if it should’ve said something about Mazda Financial

Dealers do credit pulls in all sorts of ways, what may show up on your credit inquiry under their first pull really has no bearing on what bank they may or may not use. That looks like the actual dealer, not the bank.

If the MF they’re showing doesn’t jive with your research then I would’ve asked them to double check that and/or verify what bank they’re using.

And if the dealer made a mistake on their quote sheet then there’s no holding them to those numbers, they can easily just say “sorry, the numbers are actually this…”.

All of the above is why it’s always best to know the numbers before ever talking to a dealer and make them the offer.


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