Motorcycle versions of Carvana/Shift/Vroom

I would wear carbon fiber clothes if I could. My wallet, wedding ring and phone case are made of the stuff.

That’s not a bad rear seat! I’ll have to ask her what she thinks :rofl:

I own a small resin company on the side, so I do a decent amount of composites fab. There are rolls of carbon sitting next to the fSAE car in my garage.

One of my first big composites projects was scratch building a carbon tank for one of my other bikes to convert it to fuel injection from carb’d (among other things).

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Try here!

The road racing crowd hangs out here. Not your usual chumps. Probably guys would have an appreciation for the unusual. There’s plenty of road only bikes for sale. Not just track bikes.

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Awesome, I’ll check them out. I’m putting things up on cycle gear and craigslist right now, and then will start hitting the forums. There’s a good benelli forum, but it’s unfortunately mainly based out of europe. Not much US market for them.

That’s weird. Your bike is more interesting than majority of the cars listed there. Anyway, glws!

Had buyers for both bikes scheduled to come today. Both ghosted. Ugh

Well, it’s up in Iconic Motorbike auctions now:

How am I only seeing this now?

Dude, if I didn’t have my R1 and you were okay with shipping to Germany, I would have seriously considered it. Best of luck.

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I know Iconic will do international shipping :wink:

Hmmm tempting, haha.

Ugh, I hate California DMV. My bikes were registered non-op, as I haven’t been using them, and I didn’t want to rack up any registration fees.

Their registration fee calculator reflects that it’s non-op and they want $269 to bring the registration back to current and through Sept 2021. Fine, whatever. Only 10% of the vehicle value to register it…

Buyer goes to transfer the bike, DMV says “nope, never non-oped, that’ll be $1300 to transfer and bring the registration current.”

Buyer calls me pissed off and wants his money back/to return the bike.

Now I get to deal with this BS. Thanks CA DMV!

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