Monthly Master List of RV and MF

Why would you guys need non Toyota data?

IDK but they include it


I suspect you will be receiving PMā€™s asking for MF and residual values for all brands now. :rofl:


Probably. Just have the demo version today

$10/response to fund the new Supra


I was wondering the other day, edmunds forum mods have been and continue to provide this information for ages. Why canā€™t they post it monthly. I guess Rvguy just answered this above.
I still think they can reply about brands that have national numbers and the ones that have regional numbers in one shot, so not everyone has to go ask them for specific zip codes.

I donā€™t know which source Edmunds has access to but I donā€™t think they have the data in a big file. I think they have a login somewhere and look up each vehicle one at a time.

I can get a developer in India to do it for $20 an hour.


I can get one in NK for $5

When should we expect to see something then?

You going to manage them? Hiring someone is the easy part. Overseeing the work is the hard part.

Iā€™m not paying or managingā€¦I have saved for free.

5 Likes we are agreed

My favorite part of managing off-shore teams has been asking them to build/manage something for which there is no concept for it in their country.

Their education can be as good or better. Their english can be as good or better. If they have lived their entire life not comprehending (for instance) the financial instrument where a third party rents you a car and agrees up from front the RV and MF, I assure you whatever you saved in development will be spent up-front in analysis and 1.5-2x again in testing/remediation.

I lied: that was my second favorite thing. My favorite thing about managing offshore teams is repatriating an off-shore project after it failed BUT we ā€œsavedā€ moneyā€¦

See also

Iā€™ve led some great ones, but they need to fundamentally understand the thing theyā€™re being asked to build too. Even if itā€™s web scraping (worked with a bunch of those).