Midsize SUV Searching for value


Good morning Hackers, I’ve spent the last couple of hours searching for a deal on a midsize SUV. I’ve never before failed to find value on here when’s it’s time for a new car, and I know that despite inventory issues, there must be a good deal to be had on something - I need to replace an expiring lease this month. This SUV will not be my everyday drive, just an extra family vehicle, and I am not at all particular about what I’m looking for in terms of style, luxury, options, or colors. Just hunting for a great lease value in something safe and efficient. Certainly there must be some strong programs, discounts or incentives available on something? I’d appreciate any help from the community, any thoughts or ideas. Thank you in advance.

Wrangler 4xE

Interesting idea - thank you. I was searching for Highlander, Mirano, Santa Fe, etc. Going to check out local on the 4XE now.

Don’t start out searching local and asking for quotes.

Use a strategy of making offers.

Plug the following into the LH calculator after MSRP of the vehicle you’re looking at:

Selling price based on % pre-incentive discount found by searching Shared Deals and Marketplace sections of this forum.

RV, MF and incentives (lease cash) from Edmunds forums. Add any extra rebates you qualify for (college grad, etc) under incentives.

DMV fees and taxes based on your state’s official website.

Voila! Now check the box to make it $0 DAS and offer the resulting monthly payment*

  • preferably rounded to a multiple of $5 or $10 to make yourself seem more like a normal person :innocent:

Be forewarned…this Jeep shit is addictive. I’m now in a cult whether I like it or not ( but I love it).

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You’re in Maryland, Likely better to just buy bc if your taxes. Very few cars make sense to lease there, has to be an incredible deal which are few and far between now.

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