MF on Audi Q8 Etron in MA - LH calculator showing different MFs

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Hello- I am trying to work on a lease for an Audi Q8 e-tron in MA. Does anyone know the current money factor in MA 01773 on a 36/12 lease?
(When I use the supporters LH calculator lease program look up I am getting two different results with the exact same info – .001 (2.4% APR) and .00379 (9.1% APR). Sometimes I get one, sometimes the other. I looked on Edmunds and it suggested it is .001. Obviously it makes a big difference to the total, so am hoping someone knows the actual MF!

Thank you!

Wild guess: Are you sometimes selecting incentives and sometimes not?

There’s something funky with Audi’s actual programs this month, where you get either subvented rates or incentives but not both.

At least that was being discussed when the programs started earlier in the month.

Obv wait for someone who knows what they’re talking about to confirm/refute. :cow:

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Thanks – I don’t think I am doing anything different. It seems to come up with the higher one most of the time, but I keep trying it hoping for the better result :slight_smile:

I figured out what is giving me the different MF result in the calculator – it is the subvented and non-subvented lease as trism suggested. When I click on “available programs” it has Audi US Standard Lease (non-subvented) or Audi US Special Lease Factors (subvented lease), the MF changes. I thought that was just an info box, I didn’t realize it was a selection!

I found this thread on the subvented lease topic which is helpful.

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