Mercedes EQE SUV 13 months $558/month $1300 DAS

How to share a deal:

  1. 2023 Mercedes EQE 4matic SUV. MSRP $81,XXX
  2. 13 month lease, 7,500 miles per year.
  3. $558/month pre-tax.
  4. Grand Total DAS = $1,300 (including first month’s payment). $0 MSDs.
  5. I had to call about 10 MB dealers until one even acknowledged they had a 13 month lease program. Once i found the right dealer the deal was simple.
  6. Price included delivery right to my front door, didn’t have to go to dealership.
  7. I docusigned most paperwork including lease contract. I don’t have access to the paperwork now until the car and hard copies get delivered Tuesday morning so I dont have exact details such as MF, etc. I do believe the cap cost was around 61k and residual value around 59k. Most of the payment appeared to be going to interest.
  8. I hope this info is helpful to the group!


Would you mind sharing the details on the 13 month lease? MF, Residuals? Did you do MSDs? Im in Central Florida… any tips to point out the program to dealers?

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Can’t do MSDs, and 0.00325, I believe

Thanks for the reply.

This same deal still on? Can I stack any additional incentives like AMEX, Costco, Sams, Penfed?

Applies for EQS 450 as well?

Which ones do you have available for delivery?


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Residual went down for both EQs

When? Aren’t the May incentives valid until May 31?

For 13 month, I mean. In the beginning of May. He was asking about 13 month, simply replying.

Thanks for sharing, definitely valuable for the group.

Can you explain more about your reasoning for this. I.e., why you found to be EQE at 13-months more favorable than EQE at 24-months or EQS deals? Or was it your circumstances that was okay with or preferred a 13-month lease?

Just want to understand a bit more as someone looking into the EQS and EQE. For example, last month I know some people were doing EQS for 13-months but that seemed to become unfavorable this month.

As Derek had explained to me… apparently residuals on the 13 month went down to make them not so attractive. I suppose Mercedes wanted to get these out of on the streets as essentially a marketing expense, hence the higher resids and promotional MFs for these… as they put more out… they begin to raise prices by adjusting resids, MF and pushing people into longer contracts…

Just my 2 cents on it

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Hi @Nirav_Parikh - Thanks for asking these good questions - I’m in Central FL too and I am not seeing these numbers locally - are you? I’m new to the area - Mind sharing any tips or dealer contacts? Thanks again!

OP, What is selling price for this lease deal? 81 k msrp, 10k MB ev incentives and 15k discount?

Cap cost was around 61k. So looks like total discount inclusive of incentives was around 20k. Much more of a discount and the cap cost would have been less than the RV. Not sure what happens in that case.

…also what are the current MB incentives? $7,500 EV for all. I don’t see the $1,500 conquest listed on edmunds for the EQE… only for EQS.

hey @Redsox_m5 … i just relocated to central florida myself about 6 months ago… Did drop by a dealer to take a look at the the EQE and EQS SUVs… didnt really discuss numbers… this was at Mercedes South Orlando… my SA did tell me that he did a recent deal around $700 with the incentives and lease cash. but with $4k down… so with $0 down… probably worked $850 effective. This was on EQS Sedan I believe

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OP, would you mind share which dealer is it? Is it in California?

Would you mind sharing how you reached out to the dealer, what you said, and what info you shared? I’m interested in learning about approach tactics.

Now that you have gotten the car, do you have information regarding MF, cap cost, residual, etc…?

Paperwork says 23XX at signing but to be clear my total due at lease signing was $1,300.

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Then it won’t fund at all.

Sure it will. Want to place a friendly wager?