Mercedes Benz GLC 300

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2021 Mercedes Benz GLC 300
MSRP: $49,840
Selling Price: $42,240 (15.25% discount)
Monthly Payment: $ 550 quoted incl. tax ($510 according to leasehackr calculater)
Drive-Off Amount: $ 2000 (including acq. fee)
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10K
MF: .00058 (according to Edmund forums)
Residual: 54%
Incentives: ??
Region: California, Zip 94536

I’d appreciate feedback on how the deal looks?
I appreciate all the information shared on forums. It was mentioned you can look for incentives (other than 15.25% off on MSRP). What are the incentives I should be looking at? What is a pre-incentive discount?

Did the Edmunds forum also indicate what incentives are available in your region based on zip code (what seem odd for them to include MF w/o that). You can also look at the Mercedes fleet wiki to learn about other common incentives.

Is the MF quoted by Edmunds what your dealer is actually using?

The pre-incentive discount is exactly what it sounds like: the discount that’s left when you subtract out the incentives.

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Thank you for your response. Edmund said $500 dealer cash (not sure what that means). Is this the fleet wiki - Mercedes Fleet Discount / Other Incentives WIKI?

Dealer is not using the same MF as Edmunds, hence the difference between the calculator and Leasehackr calculator. I have asked them to use the base MF (haven’t heard back).

Should I expect $500 cash to be applied on top of the $7600 off dealer offered?

Yes, that’s the wiki I was referring to.

“Expect” is a difficult word. It was probably already included in your discount. Assuming that’s been included, pre-incentive discount is ~14%, which I think is pretty good. This is brand-new car and not a loaner, yes? I doubt you will get the lowest MF w/ that discount, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. You could also consider MSDs.

The GLC is a pretty popular car here (and I am not an experienced hacker, at all), so you’ll want to look at CA dealership/broker ads here for comparison and also do a search on recent GLC deals to see how yours looks.

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Thanks for you help! Yes, this is a brand-new car. Less than 50 miles on it. I’m considering MSDs to lower the monthly income further. With 10 MSDs ($5000) I’m getting around $43/months off.

I’ll look into the recent GLC deals. Should I look at what dealers are offering or what others are getting?

Both. Also look at broker deals (of which there might be more than dealer posts).

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