Mercedes Benz EQS Lease Superthread - 1

Great post. Are these in effect now or starting after June 5th?

A few other questions / general clarifications.

I recall discussion that there’s an incentive cap of $12.5k for EQS. Is that still the same. And is that the same cap or lower for the EQE.

Also, which incentives don’t stack together. For example, I’m thinking that EQ Conquest won’t stack with Welcome to Electric. And also doesn’t stack with Affinity/Fleet/Sam’s (not mentioned).

Finally trunk money isn’t mentioned, but I understand that it was (or may still be) $5,000 for EQSs and $2,500 for EQE. In our negotiations, if we’re discussing a pre-incentive discount from MSRP how does that take into account what trunk money. Do we pretend it doesn’t exist and try to get the biggest percentage discount on the selling price. And then try try to add back the trunk money and all other incentives.

Absolutely. Try to negotiate the biggest possible discount and then combine the incentives and the trunk money for a great deal.

Anyone know how to stop MBUX auto-playing CarPlay when starting the car? My other 2 wireless CarPlay vehicles don’t do that. TIA

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I forgot how I did it but it is possible. Currently when I get into the car, it doesn’t go to carplay

Does anyone already know what will happen on Tuesday?

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Is it this?

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We can wish good luck to keep similar selling volume LOL

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Has anyone been able to confirm that trunk money has returned?

No trunk money

So May incentives for the EQS haven’t changed? Its just a dealer/customer is given extra time to take advantage of them, right? I was wondering if there was any new ammo to throw at dealer for discount.

$7500 EV
$4500 fleet
$2500 lease cash (??)
$1500 EV conquest

So, $4,500 fleet will replace the $2,500 Welcome to Electric (Lease Cash)

Residual changed for the worst on the June 6th - June 30th, btw.

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Who needs a Lucid?


I saw mention of getting a $1000 off certificate from is that anything new or just the same discounts in a different way?

I think it can be added at the respective dealership you visit.

Payments go up $200 a month?

That would suck

Lower Residuals.

24 month is staying

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Residuals for which monthly term is getting worse? 24 and 36 months?