The dealer told me they were fine with 650+ that’s why I said that. If MB is more strict on a transfer I wouldn’t know since this is my first one.
Caps do you think it depends on what credit tier the original lease holder received?
Mercedes can be trying to make sure that it’s equivalent or better credit because they priced the original lease off a certain credit range.
Just remember that the amount of the loan is lower now. Which is why they don’t require such high credit score
I do not have any direct knowledge but this has been discussed on the forum before, and that appears to be the case. Mercedes wants the person assuming the lease to have the same or better credit than the original lease holder.
That isn’t relevant to them. It is about risk. Why would they transfer risk from someone with 800 credit to someone with 650? They wouldn’t. Therefore they are only willing to transfer the lease to someone where the risk would be the same or less. Hence requiring the same or better score then the original lease holder.
Well I got this lease at 690 all by myself. So I don’t know what to tell you.
Ok so the person assuming the lease would most likely require a 690 or better score. Not a 650.
The reason I said 650 was because I was told by the dealer you are good…we needed 650 or higher.
My wife had 663 when she signed and it was tier 1 credit. It was lower as we still had her Volvo in her report and few wedding expenses that maxed out a few cards. Her score now is 730
That will be approved without a problem
I will post new better pictures today
Lease transfer still available. 2 people interested were declined by MBFS
Nice ride… would be interested if the payment was $100 less.
Btw, title says Transfer Fee Covered, but your first post says transfer fee is $695. Might want to clarify
Good Luck
Thanks! I edited and made sure it says covered by me. Still an expense that has to be mentioned.
I am willing to give an extra $1500 incentive if interested
Why not just sell it through a service like TRED? Honestly I feel like there might be more potential buyers because the used market is very thin for C43s and yours is a nice color combo.
based on my exp TRED gives much lower price than a dealer trade-in
TRED, Carvana, dealer trade in, whatever… he’s gotta be buried right now. I’m sure he doesn’t want to come out of pocket 15k (just a wild guess) to get out of the car.
Actually if I wanted to sell it it’s a flush. As a trade in I will not be in much over 5k negative equity.
Main reason to wanting getting rid of it is getting married and only having space for 2 cars. I have 2 myself and future wife 1.
Yea they don’t give you much. Tesla has given me the most for the car. But I don’t need another Tesla
I’m in same boat but with a baby on the way lol.