Can you guess what question I’m going to ask?
I think but not sure. But I hope I did okay @mllcb42
What information are you missing from these numbers?
Money factor, residual?
It’s a good deal. Guessing the money factor is .00075. Base for April and now May is .00016 for Mercedes and AWD GLA’s.
As a start, yes.
Calculates out to .00078 based on the contract, so a good guess. Pretty substantial mark up from .00016. That takes back $1200 of the discount. Need to know if there are any incentives rolled into that discount to further evaluate.
They show me on their computer screen it’s says -$5890 losing
Dealers have multiple ways to make money off of a car… profit off the actual selling price, profit off of financing mark ups, marketing allowances, direct to dealer incentives, add ons, etc.
What they showed you was they were -$5890 on the actual selling price. They didn’t show you the $1200+ on the financing mark ups or any money they made in any of the other categories.
Point is, to properly evaluate this deal, you need more information. That doesn’t mean you did or didn’t get a good deal, just that you don’t have the necessary information to determine that.
Thank you @mllcb42 I understand.
Unfortunately I don’t have this information.
But thank you for all your help and info.
Leasehacker it’s the #1 for best INFORMATIO
Next time around, do yourself a favor, and get that information before you sign (well, before you talk to a dealer at all). Your wallet will thank you.