Mazda CX5 old model/new car sitting on lot

Hi all - I am moving to FL, and am about to purchase/lease a car for the first time in 15 years (going from a Bike/Public Transport since I am in a city now). I test drove some cars and like the Mazda CX-5 Turbo Signature. There is a 2022 version (still a new car) near where I am moving to at $38.4K, and based on my CarGurus research it has been sitting at the dealer for 292 days. I am open to cash/leasing/financing. What would the groups advice be on this? How low is it reasonable to start the negotiations at? Thanks in advance

Check the #marketplace to see what discounts are being offered.

Financing probably makes more sense in this case.

Donā€™t use a ā€œletā€™s start negotiating and go back and forthā€ mentality.

Make OTD offers. Donā€™t haggle line by line.


Couple of things:

  • the CX-5 Turbo ā€˜prefersā€™ premium gas, so that extra 30c might make you go ugh.
  • Iā€™m a bit skeptical that car sat there for 292, did you confirm via the Dealers site as well as other listing sites?
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Do 2022s still have lease support?

We were in market for a CX-5 recently, and a vaguely recall a 2022 upper trim model being advertised at 15+% off MSRP. Donā€™t quote me on that, though (I didnā€™t look at that specific model since it was still above my price point).


Thanks all. Dealers site and Car Guruā€™s have 7 of them listed, and no idea if they have lease support

According to KBB, MSRP = $40K, Invoice = $38.7K

Maybe start the OTD negotiating at $33K? Not sure why they have been sitting there

You ask on Edmunds if the 2022s still have lease support.

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A 2022 will have ā€˜supportā€™ but not sure if good one.

And how did you come up with that number? What data is it based off of?

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I was thinking slightly lower than 15% off MSRP, assume a counter and meet in the middle

The average lease for a CX-5 Turbo Signature is < $400/mo? Where are you seeing this?

Sorry i didnt notice it was a signature

No such thing as too low, especially on 2022.

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