Makes sense to lease 1st car for a new driver?

Add “handing them a car” (leased or bought) and “paying for their insurance and gas” to the list. When I got my license, I had to start paying the increase to my parents insurance, and for the gas I used. I bought my first car and all my cars. My family and friends who were given cars either never learned the lesson, or learned in many years later (I have a family member older than me who works, parents retired, and I swear still gets help with cars, car payments, and insurance - the gas card went when they retired).

Inexperienced drivers (teens) are likely to get in all kinds of accidents, scrapes, and dings. A lease, where you have to return the collateral, isn’t a good candidate for this and agree with max isn’t teaching any personal responsibility.

OP can do whatever they want, but this was one of the greatest character-building aspects of my life. I would never deprive someone else of it.