It appears that temporary tags are illegal for MA residents (i am originally from NJ). I have heard some folks have been issued temporary registration without any issue but have had to go to the RMV and register themselves.
I spoke w/ my insurance carrier and they even suggested that the out of state (NY) dealer issue temporary registration (what??)
Very frustrating. Appreciate any feedback. Dealer is not really helpful.
No State Police officer is going to pull you over for temp tags, particularly if you are in transit with the car. If you drive with it for 3 months, then that’s different.
If you’re leasing in MA, you have to have them register the car on your behalf, or have them mail you the required docs so you can register it on your own.
If you’re an out of state buyer, no way to sign and leave w car same day.
Most of my dealers ask for 7-10 days to register out of state after contract is signed.
Within New England, they’ll drive the car to neighboring state and meet buyer at registry.
This is one of the reasons I’m whittling down my out of state business. Complexity, time, and sometimes incorrect reg fees and I have to eat my broker fee after spending a bunch of time on a deal
I apologize, my question was unclear. When you mentioned that your dealers ask for 7-10 days to register out of state, are you referring to MA dealers registering for out of state buyers or the other way around? Out of state dealers registering for MA buyers?
Yes Massachusetts does not offer temp tags, as a dealer we wish they would as it would make things easier for us to sell cars to people out of state. If you’re state offers them you can bring them with you to a Mass dealer but not many neighboring states do so.
If you’re coming from out of state to Mass, there are two ways. There are third party companies that will do out of state registration for you at a cost or the dealer is forced to drive the vehicle out to the nearest dmv over the border in your state to meet you there to register.
In terms of driving without getting pulled over, it’s not really about a cop pulling you over. The issue would be allowing someone to drive off from their dealership in an unregistered car. If they were in an accident and god forbid someone was hurt or worse, the dealership would be held responsible. Any dealer taking that sort of liability to sell one car is crazy.
If I’m following you, you live in Mass but are trying to travel to another state to buy and come back? In my experience Boston region is the most competitive and the out of state buyers are all trying to come here. Let me know if I can help at all.
Looking to lease a Volvo from NY/NJ dealer as MA dealers have comparitively poor discount/incentive. Broker mentioned it may take a the NY/NJ dealer a few weeks to complete the registration and the car cannot be handed over until registration as MA does not allow temp plates. There isn’t any clear guideline on the MA RMV website for this situation. Any thoughts/guidance will be helpful