Lost my car in the wildfires - need info re BMW i4 leases

Hi all. Some of you may have seen video of cars being bulldozed during the Palisades fire. I was one of the cars in that group. My car wasn’t bulldozed, but it was so smoke damaged that it was totalled.

I am thinking about leasing an i4 I am trying to conserve cash to repair my house. With that intro, here’s my question: Can you provide details of your lease?


[Edit: This is my first post. I hope it’s in the right form. And FYI, I am reading other posts re deals.}


Just go to the marketplace, lots of deals there.

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I’m so sorry about this. I will get you a slamming deal in SoCal with no fee. Just fill this out to let me know what you want, and you’ve got it!


So sorry to hear. Hope you get back to normalcy soon. The broker above has a good reputation on here and has great deals. Very noble of them to wave the usual broker fee! Good luck!


Thank you Ashleigh! Will be in touch.

I’m pinching pennies so waiving the fee is greatly appreciated.


My pleasure to help where I can!

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Before I get you working, cash is tight here. Before I send you off to get a car, can you give me an idea of what it would cost to lease a $60,000 i4 with minimum drive off? You can post or message.

Many thanks!


I’ll message you!

That’s really awesome of you, Ashleigh.

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@BMW_Dave fyi

Don’t forget to check Marketplace for other models too.

Between the payment and insurance you may be able to save quite a lot at an important time

Are you saying insurance for i4’s is expensive?

He wouldn’t know anyway.

Hi Ashleigh! I decided not to get an electric vehicle. I think the challenges of charging it when we will be moving from place to place for a year or more will be too much. When I get back in my house, and get my next car I will contact you.

Can you please send your contact information?

Thanks again. People like you restore my faith in humanity.

Bob Ceccon


I totally understand! I can always help with gas cars, too, such as a 2 series or a 3 series, just to get into something for now.

Anyone who needs to reach me may do so here:

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It’s all relative. An i4 may not be expensive relative to other $60k EVs.

But I bet a leased i4 is way more than a brand new financed Corolla which is way more than a cash beater with only liability. OP needs to pick a spot on that spectrum that works for them. Especially when money is tight.

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The offer I made was $500, tax included, with just the first month at signing for 36/10 - FYI.

Ifi I gathered correctly, your no broker fee offer is quite kind of you for a fire victim. Your deals are already competitive.


Thanks! I posted this a while ago, before anyone else did, that once someone was ready to start putting the pieces together and needed a car, I would work on deals in affected zip codes for no fee. I’m just honoring that promise.


I’m so sorry you’ve been affected by these wildfires. I hope you get back on your feet!

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