Looking to score a deal on a 2019 Challenger

Find out what tier you came back at and I’ll see if I can help. Get money factor if they can’t give you the tier it came back at

Came back as tier 3 thru Ally.

What do you think?

I can’t see why you have a bankruptcy on your credit report lol. Maybe find a nice cheap car, buy it and drive it for a while.

I ended up getting the car with more options, less down and 625 a month for 48 months. Probably a bad deal but I’m happy with the car.

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As long as you are happy and can afford the payments, that’s all that really matters. Yes, not a great deal, but the heart wants what the heart wants.

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Congrats… That’s the exact one I want…color and WB. I’m just too cheap and want to pay much less than that.

I’m thinking these cars are better to buy used with low miles. Nothing special/new for 2020 either. :-/

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